Other physiological features that have not historically been assigned to the human race through a means of natural biological development
Does that forbid earrings as well? They’re non-biological extensions/modifications of the human body.
Other physiological features that have not historically been assigned to the human race through a means of natural biological development
Does that forbid earrings as well? They’re non-biological extensions/modifications of the human body.
the need for stable tax revenues
I am considering the need for stable tax revenues.
I’m just not convinced that these tax revenues have to be paid for by the employee’s labor tax. Why not introduce a wealth tax instead? Let the billionaires pay. Tax them 3% of the net worth annually. That would actually help the people.
Thanka Gemini for that, but all the arguments that you just brought up are looking in the past, and on empirical data. I’m looking on the future, and doing analysis and thought/logic processes to figure out what lies in front of us. I guess i will have to live with having an isolated perspective here.
How is a “labor shortage” a bad thing? You can ask for more pay if there’s not many people who could do the job.
In other words, birthright citizenship exists to increase the population size.
Birthright citizenship is a law made at a time when the American population was significantly smaller and wanted to grow to be able to provide more workforce to bring about progress, which benefitted everyone. Now, progress is ending/slowing down, and demand for human labor is declining; and a shrinking population is a good thing because it matches that shrinking demand for labor. Immigration is a bad thing because it increases the population size instead of decreasing it. And also, the birthrate should drop lower to reduce the supply of workforce, keep up wages (via supply-demand of labor) and better the living conditions of the people.
I would not be able to stop myself from laughing if i saw that happening for real but these people think of it as a threat to their existence, as a crime.
What a witless world we live in.