
A lazy cat in human skin, an eldritch being borne of the '90s.



  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2023


  • I’ve found them periodically in r/worldnews, r/politics, and they are easy to spot on anything related to Gaza/Israel, Russia/Ukraine or things like crypto and finance. That’s where to go if you don’t want to look too hard. The other day I’m pretty sure I saw the same comment reposted several times across the same subreddit when sorted by top by year, something really generic with the same slightly off punctuation along the lines of “This community is the best!” It is really interesting to see actually. Most of the time their usernames are the randomly generated ones.

  • Re: Retorts to this in this thread-

    But there is a peculiar behavior among most Caucasians. As soon as I become critical of Europe and its impact on other cultures, they become defensive. They begin to defend themselves. But I am not attacking them personally; I’m attacking Europe. In personalizing my observations on Europe they are personalizing European culture, identifying themselves with it. By defending themselves in this context, they are ultimately defending the death culture. This is a confusion which must be overcome, and it must be overcome in a hurry. None of us has energy to waste in such false struggles.

    Caucasians have a more positive vision to offer humanity than European culture. I believe this. But in order to attain this vision it is necessary for Caucasians to step outside European culture — alongside the rest of humanity — to see Europe for what it is and what it does.

    note: “Europe” here refers to imported European culture in America