I’m sorry but why would any country give up its nuclear arsenal today? Very serious question.
We all know that the international rules based order doesn’t give a crap about any of that. Ukraine gave away its nuclear arsenal in the 90s in exchange for security guarantees from Russia, the US, the UK, and so on. And we’ve all seen how that went. (See Budapest Memorandum)
Israel has had a nuclear arsenal for decades and no one seems to make such a big fuss about it.
Iraq got invaded by the US in an illegal war under false premises that they were building WMDs. Now we know that even the US government knew at the time that those claims were bullshit.
So again, why would any country capable of building nuclear weapons not do so? Give me a list of actual incentives.
When have illegal wars ever stopped the Americans?
I’m sorry but let’s not forget that Iraq was a thing.