6 days agolol, the screen shot where it’s “stuck in a cave” isn’t a cave, it’s those ledges before mt moon where twitch plays Pokémon kept getting stuck too.
lol, the screen shot where it’s “stuck in a cave” isn’t a cave, it’s those ledges before mt moon where twitch plays Pokémon kept getting stuck too.
It is, but Element is still the “Gold standard” Matrix client and the most popular. And if you’re going to create a brand new chat protocol, you should make sure that your flagship client measures up to the competition.
It’s the same issue, the car not being able to detect a solid object in front of it because of an optical illusion
Yeah, it was essentially England, people just like to say it was Canada. We didn’t even become a country until 1867
Tell that to the guy who lost his head when his Tesla thought a reflective semi truck was the sky
That episode was actually based on a real event from 2004