i forsee a future judiciary that does little more than rebuke for trumps actions while doing nothing to resolve it.
i forsee a future judiciary that does little more than rebuke for trumps actions while doing nothing to resolve it.
and they’re a majority by almost 2:1, guaranteeing republican victories going forward.
we could probably mold the olmec heads to help shave off time, but i think you’re right in that we will have to make due w swasti-car stickers. lol
i wish i shared the prevailing sentiment among latin america’s leftists and artists that their respective indigenous heritages will ultimately outlast western colonialist dominance since they had already died out and the type that’s become popular today is a revisionist version that was largely reconstructed from colonial sources.
it’s clear to me that it comes from some sort of desire for a hopeful future that’s beyond the staggering dominance that western capitalists enjoy today, somewhat like how leftists of the global north expect the inevitable demise due to capitalism’s inherent contradictions; but i strongly suspect that there will be another fdr like figure or movement that will stave off the demise again with another welfare state and keep the train of needless suffering chugging along for another century or so.
the liberals condemning it is telling
acknowledging that trump reduced the genocide where biden didn’t bother is not the same thing as liking trump
this is the only reason why they’re bothering: the people of mexico stopped drinking the 2-party propaganda koolade when they elected amlo and & sheinbaum and they’re going to regime change mexico to force them back into the 2-party system that ensures that the oligarchy always wins; just like it is in the united states.