I see your point but keep in mind this is a microcosm of the entire US agricultural industry. We’ve drastically overbalanced to a knowledge economy, and if US agriculture collapses, that’s bad for the world.
A big part of grocery prices is labor for harvesting. Mushrooms (to keep with the subject of the article) are ~$5.99 a quart at Costco. Assume that we’re talking about doubling the wages of the workers, that means nearly doubling the price of the product, if not more than doubling because retailers are insisting on a set profit margin. If someone even a little bit competent was in the White House, and if congress had even a slight interest in making life better for the average American, this situation might lead to a push for diversifying the ag sector and breaking up the giant corporations who are responsible for 90% of America’s farms. Instead who knows what happens.
With the current crop of lunatics in office, it will almost immediately be turned into a problem for the rest of the world. Even in the best of times, the US has made its problems everyone else’s, these days it would only be worse.