Gonna be honest, never used ffmpeg for images lol. I often take images from PDFs that have transparency (rpg books to import into my vtt) and they come out of pdfimages with an opaque greyscale alpha mask and an opaque image. I found it easy to apply the mask with imagemagick, though. Ffmpeg can probably do it but just never had a use case. I just use cwebp to convert because that’s my primary use-case: converting pngs to lossy webp files and cwebp is good enough for me for that:)
Im recommending them to anyone who wants free software and is willing to invest their time into understanding how to do things for free and without concern over their data. If you aren’t willing to invest the necessary time it isn’t for you and that’s why I said it. It’s okay if these don’t work for you. That’s valid. But it does, in fact, work for many others who are not you.
I mentioned the manual because you claimed you didn’t know what the commands do. If you read and take the time to learn the manual like you said you can do, you will, in fact, understand how the commands work. Additionally, this is public forum, my post may have been a reply to you but I understand other people may read my comment. Other people may have your frustrations but are not aware of the manuals that tell them exactly how the commands work. It only takes a bit of elbow grease, perhaps people other than you are willing to apply it?
I’m not sure if you saw it, but I did mention a gui application for converting files. I admit, I don’t use it, but many people also save a lot of money using it, so it might be helpful. I have no idea if it’s useful for your needs though.
Here’s “ffmpeg in 100 seconds” https://youtu.be/26Mayv5JPz0
Here’s a video on ffmpeg and imagemagick: https://youtu.be/sKBM4M-kuCg
Additionally, you can just learn how to read man pages: https://itsfoss.com/linux-man-page-guide/
There’s a neat little guide that’ll help you learn how to read documentation.
Once you’ve read through that let me know what confuses you about documentation.
I understand that you may not know the commands you are told by strangers, but many of these are tools are meant for professionals. ffmpeg, for example, is used by many industries and companies worth millions of dollars to handle production workloads. They often have documentation to tell you what they do, though
There’s a manual for ffmpeg for example: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html
Here’s imgemagick’s documentation: https://imagemagick.org/script/magick.php
I think handbrake is a gui wrapper on top of ffmpeg, but I never used it, I just memorized the ffmpeg commands and can type so much faster than i can click.
Pandoc for documents, ffmpeg for video , imagemagick for images
Believe whatever you want, I don’t care. I’m for open borders and he is not. I would have voted for him like I voted for Kamala, but libs be libs and many anre not for open borders like I am. I want Ellis island back like my ancestors were afforded to come here, but Bernie and many libs are not for an Ellis island. It is what it is, and it is my main gripe with the guy.
He’s not for deporting the dreamers, but get their parents outta here says he lol. If you’re poor and want to come to America? “America’s closed!” says he. He chooses his words so carefully. He is for deporting innocent illegals humans. He doesn’t think they’re innocent and deserve deportation by armed forces. He’s wrong, flat out, I welcome the poor from around the world to come here. I love my immigrant family and I love my immigrant neighbors and I love the immigrants coming here for economic prosperity, and I want that to be as easy as Ellis island again.
How do you suggest they “leave” society against their will? That’s literally deportation—very abusable by fascists today. Unless you are suggesting they can voluntarily leave… which is a “solution” I guess. Who will be doing this? This would be a federal thing so you want to fund the DEA to make these arrests? Yeah blowing up the DEA budget won’t help fascists either.
It’s not a slippery slope if that’s literally how this country has been working for as long as you or I have been alive. These laws require funding and budgets and law enforcement agencies to enforce these laws. This is literally drug enforcement, it’s or course going to be the drug enforcement agency to do the presidents bidding. An executive branch agency mind you.
What law that allows persecution of these people won’t be abused by fascists to apply to people they don’t like? We all want laws where we throw people out of society we don’t like, but there’s a reason fascism needs democracy to exist
I don’t want to be too much of an infighter, but look at Bernie’s immigration stance over the years. He isn’t sobbing too much about the undocumented getting deported because he claims they take from documented Americans. It makes it hard to believe him knowing how he has looked directly into the eyes of innocent humans and still chooses to treat them as drains of documented american society.
These people want three things:
Their plan: in two or more years, replace many old liberal, Republican-lite dems with young progressives. This will allow them to push more progressive policies. The problem is they had 8 years, nearly a decade, to do that or else we get fascism and failed and now want to believe in their two year plan to start the change of fascism to a progressive democracy.
I hope fascism is willing to wait for democracy to do its thing as much as these two are betting on it with their strategy, but there are democrats out there taking on AIPAC money and stomping out progressives because they aren’t getting the donations going to the Democratic Party fundraisers because they don’t take corporate donations. There has to be more from the party “of the people” than this.
I failed my hirevue (I got a 40%) but my recruiter talked to the company and my previous manager gave a glowing recommendation so I got the job. I allegedly did a good job on the hirevue by all humans involved. Fuck this AI shit. The only way I got this job was because of humans, the ai did everything it could prevent the company from getting their preferred candidate. If the job market wasn’t so fucked and I haven’t been unemployed for 5 months in the past two years I’d give this company the bird and tell them to fuck off too, but I don’t have health insurance and my bank account is drained.
Those kids whos who also depend on that income don’t deserve it. Have some heart for your fellow neighbors please
So was the onion at one point
HireVue is a thing. I just took one being a software engineer interviewing
I started using Twitter in 2009. It was just techy people back then. Things are allowed to take time and grow organically.
Wrong, it was 4