Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • “The Canadians are mutilating children. They’re cutting their genitals off, and forcing them to live as the opposite sex. They’re brainwashing children into thinking that this is normal, that it’s good. A cult of child predators has taken over the government in Ottawa, and they’re using their power to mutilate, to brainwash, to destroy children and families. And some of them speak French!”

    And that’s all it will take to get plenty of soldiers on board. Whether or not the US can hold Canada I don’t know. A Canadian friend of mine seems to believe not. But getting violent, hateful, transphobic bigots to sign up? It’s that easy. Hell, most of em might not even be service members. Just happy bigoted volunteers, crashing the border and setting off fertilizer bombs attached to department store drones, all for the simple joy of “owning the libs” and “protecting the children”

  • “The Canadians are mutilating children. They’re cutting their genitals off, and forcing them to live as the opposite sex. They’re brainwashing children into thinking that this is normal, that it’s good. A cult of child predators has taken over the government in in Ottawa, and they’re using their power to mutilate, to brainwash, to destroy children and families. And some of them speak French!”

    And that’s all it will take to get plenty of soldiers on board. Whether or not the US can hold Canada I don’t know. A Canadian friend of mine seems to believe not. But getting violent, hateful, transphobic bigots to sign up? It’s that easy. Hell, most of em might not even be service members. Just happy bigoted volunteers, crashing the border and setting off fertilizer bombs attached to department store drones, all for the simple joy of “owning the libs” and “protecting the children”