That’s true, and if we’re lucky, some of those 300,000 people can help make it happen.
That’s true, and if we’re lucky, some of those 300,000 people can help make it happen.
I just think the “just start blasting” attitude I keep seeing from people is naive
That’s true, although I must be in different circles because I don’t see it much.
Def agree with the rest.
we would still lose hilariously because we don’t have drones, missiles, helicopters, or tanks.
Those alone don’t win wars, the USA’s military history is more than enough evidence of that, not to mention guerilla movements in other countries past and present. I’m not trivializing their power either, but when we’re talking about resistance rather than the idealistic 2A government overthrow fantasy, it’s important not to simply assume that the state’s technological advantage makes any armed resistance futile.
What am i, one unaffiliated person, going to do against a tyrannical government?
No serious struggle can be resisted alone. Organizing is necessary, this is especially clear when looking at groups which successfully resisted fascist invasion.
Any general strike attempt will need to have some support from unions or similar groups with influence among large parts of essential industries. While there is a nice starting list of partners there, I don’t yet see the kind of big names necessary for an effective general strike, especially a country-wide one.
I hope the organizers are seriously reaching out to large established organizations.
Nice fantasy. But no, that was never going to happen in real life.
Now there’s a clear message in international headlines, and one heard by those trying to profit using Tesla.