Portugal could never buy enough jets to stop the US
No, but Spain is right next to it and France isn’t that far. Both likely to help. But why would they help Portugal if Portugal itself doesn’t take meaningful steps to protect itself? You use a lot of exclamation points in your comments! That doesn’t magically mean you’re right.
Wait, so dairy gives you a mudslide even if it’s lactose free? Are those other symptoms (breathing, etc) from dairy too, or are those from gluten only?
It sounds like what you have is cow milk allergy. That’s when you’re allergic not to lactose, but the milk proteins. I think it’s more common in infants, but some adults have it too. Ranges in how bad it is, from mudslide and vomiting to anaphylactic shock.
If both your gluten and milk allergies are symptomatically similar, perhaps rather than separate disorders, it’s actually one single issue of your body producing antibodies to various proteins it shouldn’t be defending against? I mean gluten is a protein too, after all. I wonder how common this is. I also wonder if there are any doctors doing research on this.