These egg puns are atrocious. I’ll be glad when they’re ova.
These egg puns are atrocious. I’ll be glad when they’re ova.
Pfft. Since when has world superpowers taking land from peoples who have lived there for generations and just giving it to some other ethnic group ever gone badly?
Obviously Hitler was just sending his heart out to the Jews.
immigration accounted for the entire growth of the U.S. population between 2022 and 2023
Back when things were looking much brighter than they are now.
Something emboldened the stupid to be monstrously pig-headed and arrogant about being stupid, and guess what, the people with an education are absolutely sick of their loser ass bullshit.
Probably has something to do with something monstrously pig-headed and arrogant about being stupid being elected President and suffering literally zero consequences for its negative traits.
That feels deliberate. Like in the “we totes didn’t know this was yet another secret Nazi connection wink” kind of way.