Those accountants are using excel like an infrastructure and they are not to be trusted. The only thing excel can do that libreoffice can’t do is create a nightmare web of interdependent spreadsheets.
This space left intentionally blank.
Those accountants are using excel like an infrastructure and they are not to be trusted. The only thing excel can do that libreoffice can’t do is create a nightmare web of interdependent spreadsheets.
I try not to think about them, honestly. (งツ)ว
Still better than reddit users…
You can, but no one would be interested because “it’s just not realistic.” This is almost entirely a meme at this point.
Probably meant in comparison to where ps3 emulation is currently. I agree, xenia has made amazing progress. For the “lol 360 go brrrrr” folks it has a long way to go still.
Assume of you to not bold that.