thats not something to boast about, it tells how deeply embedded the nordic socdems are in financial parasitism aka imperialism.
living off interests is parasitism
Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. - Malcolm X
mexicanist geopolitics nerd
thats not something to boast about, it tells how deeply embedded the nordic socdems are in financial parasitism aka imperialism.
living off interests is parasitism
You pretty much said it. The CPC holds all the political power in China, they dictate how to organize society, unlike in the west where capitalists hold all the political power and thus dictate how to organize society.
The only thing you could argue are the results of the CPC leadership, and these are crystal clear after you visit China.
of course not, you can bet that “wealth fund” is invested in institutions that leech of the global south.