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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • ? Why would my money be worthless? That makes no sense.

    I moved it from the s&p fund in the 401k to the money market account still in the 401k. If I have (for example) $100,000 right now and I put that into the money market account. Then the market crashes I basically still have the 100k . Now it bottoms out and I put the money back into the s&p. I just sold high and bought low. When the market rebounds I get the gain. How do I have less?

    Now could I in theory miss the rebound? yes

    Then I’d be out the money. Then I would have less than what I would’ve had I stayed in.

    The if market tanks as bad as what I think it will. Then I have made the better decision.

    No guarantees either way, but my gut instinct says we’re in for very bad next couple couple of months.

    As for set it and forget it. That’s still stupid. Always watch a 401(k) to see. Are you really getting the best return on your money or should you be in a different fund within the 401(k).

    Most times I would not put the money into a money market account. Most times I’ll just ride up and downs and come out better than the long run. But there are times it’s better to make a harsh decision.

  • Let’s take a look at what it would take to stop Trump.

    The United States cannot vote a president out of office. There’s literally nothing in the constitution to allow it. You cannot do a recall vote on the president. You can on other offices such as senator and representative, but you can’t on the president. So voting him out is not an option there you have to wait 3+ years and hope we’re allowed to vote at that point.

    A direct assault in the White House. This isn’t a movie. First, most liberals don’t own guns. Second most of them have never shot a gun.So you would somehow have to train a sizable force arm them, equip them and do it anyway where the FBI and CIA and the DOD don’t figure out what you’re doing.

    Trust me, that’s not even a possibility they will come after you because they will figure it out.

    But let’s say somehow, you did organize that level. By the time you started to move on the White House, the president would be alerted. Then the president will get on national TV and say everybody who believes in democracy should form a ring around the White House with as many guns that they can bring.

    Now you’re not just fighting the Secret Service but you’re also fighting Secret Service police and a bunch of MAGA.

    He’d also tell the American people he can’t order military to operate on American grounds, but they can definitely volunteer also show up. Now you have what half United States military in that area showing up to also defend the White House.

    Like I said, this isn’t a movie you’re not getting anywhere near the White House if you’re an armed force.

    So let’s look at Lonewolf shooters. You’d have to get two people trained up to be professional level snipers. And you’d have to take out both presidentand the vice president within seconds of each other. That isn’t even a real possibility. You might get one, but you won’t get the other. And the one is just as bad as the other. Because the moment you get the one the other one just goes into hiding and you’ll never get near.

    Let’s look what it actually take to do that. You’d have to catch them both in the open at the same time. Plus you’d have to catch them in an area where a sniper could get to them. Do you know what the odds against that are.? You might as well just go to Vegas and start playing the roulette wheel and expect to win Several times in a row.

    So that’s not an option.

    The presidency Congress, and a number of judges are basically just allowing this to happen. So the legal avenues are basically gone.

    So you say to do something. What options do you have?

    For the record of anybody reading this or listening to this. I am not advocating taking out the president that is not what I’m doing. I’m simply trying to explain to this individual what he says do something. The founding fathers put into place the protections that we needed, which were forthe tricameral government to keep each other in check sadly though the system has failed. There really is nothing we can do. We can stand outside the White House and protest from now until election day 3+ years from now it isn’t going to change a damn thing.

    First, everybody who stands out there that long would lose their jobs their houses their income and the businesses won’t be hurt at all because they just hire somebody new on. Second even if we did stand out there in protest that long do you think the president is going to listen? No he isn’t. He’s gonna do whatever he wants anyways.

    So standing out there in protesting for 3+ years and losing your home when there’s no actual benefit in terms of having the president removed. What would be the actual benefit there?. Have your voice heard? Great your voice has been heard. Did it solve anything no.

    Might make feel good as you’re yelling at the White House. But it didn’t actually change anything.

    Organize a union? OK great how did that union force the president to do something at all? You have a lot of tech bros telling the president stop what he’s doing and he still doing it. You think he’s gonna listen to a bunch of peons out here?

    There is really nothing that we can do. A large chunk of the US voted him in the office. Now everybody pays the consequences. I’m sorry, but there really is nothing that we can’t do. Hopefully the judges put a stop to this. But I don’t have any faith in it.