? Why would my money be worthless? That makes no sense.
I moved it from the s&p fund in the 401k to the money market account still in the 401k. If I have (for example) $100,000 right now and I put that into the money market account. Then the market crashes I basically still have the 100k . Now it bottoms out and I put the money back into the s&p. I just sold high and bought low. When the market rebounds I get the gain. How do I have less?
Now could I in theory miss the rebound? yes
Then I’d be out the money. Then I would have less than what I would’ve had I stayed in.
The if market tanks as bad as what I think it will. Then I have made the better decision.
No guarantees either way, but my gut instinct says we’re in for very bad next couple couple of months.
As for set it and forget it. That’s still stupid. Always watch a 401(k) to see. Are you really getting the best return on your money or should you be in a different fund within the 401(k).
Most times I would not put the money into a money market account. Most times I’ll just ride up and downs and come out better than the long run. But there are times it’s better to make a harsh decision.
World War 1 and 2
While technically they weren’t a country in ww1 the area did take a beating in ww1