We have https://professional.sunstargum.com/en-en/#cmp-accordion__item-europe too. There was really nice toothpaste from Urtekram, but it’s gone from stores for a year now for some reason.
Dry some leaves of this guy before it blooms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamaenerion_angustifolium. You can squeeze them by hands before drying or not, the tea will be kinda “red” or “green” accordingly.
This thing is awesome too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypericum, just dry the flowers or any part of the plant with blooming flowers attached.
If you are into fruity tastes, just dry loads of raspberry leaves or whatever berries you have and steep them with tiny amount of any tea.
We have a shop that sells some good teas made in Finland: teemaa.fi
Why not Matrix?
There are no full alternatives in whole world for cf, unfortunately, but that’s just because they reward lazyness. We should identify particular issues and stop placing all eggs in competitors basket.
I haven’t done my part yet here.