American asylums weren’t exactly shining beacons of human rights during that period either. JFK’s sister had her frontal lobe scraped until she could no longer repeat the lyrics of a song because she said problematic things as a woman.
American asylums weren’t exactly shining beacons of human rights during that period either. JFK’s sister had her frontal lobe scraped until she could no longer repeat the lyrics of a song because she said problematic things as a woman.
To be clear, screaming on rooftops didn’t put the nazis in their place, communists with guns did.
lmao. Musk is defunding imperialism, not out of any moral compulsion, but because he’s just that dumb.
I will be genuinely surprised if this actually goes through.
You’re not going to find a good person who puts following rules written to benefit the capitalist class above freeing people from crippling debt.
They were only able to because of the way he went about it. He could have simply ordered the Department of Education to immediately forgive the loans and erase any record of the debt, and dared the SCOTUS to order him to create new debts (which he could simply ignore).
It is an observation of historical facts, I am not prescribing any particular action.
Running in the woods and trying to wage a protracted people’s war against the local police didn’t put the nazis in their place either, so who exactly would I be calling to arms?