That’s the name of the documentary of xelons fall from riches.
That’s the name of the documentary of xelons fall from riches.
Greenland and Canada are NATO countries. You cannot attack or forcefully annex another NATO country. If he leaves NATO, he will be up against Canada & Europe. The US is one Twizzler away from having the entire world sanction & boycott it.
It’s almost like the whole planet is bullying xelon. He seems so sad, he’s losing so much. So many negative memes & comments. Stories about how corrupt he is and how unsafe all his businesses are. I’ll bet he’s teetering on the edge of a MASSIVE mental meltdown. So, citizens of Earth, keep bullying elon!
Just a FYI, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions. Read the Torah, Bible and Quran and you will see that many stories are either identical or very similar, because they are all parts of the same religion. And even worse, these stories were stolen from many other cultures. None of it is real. It’s not even written well. Harry Potter or James Bond novels are better written. Religion is just mythology, none of it is real. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lunch date with Zeus & Thor.
As I always say, keep your children away from religion. They are the pedophiles, and they accuse everybody else of it. It’s a cult!
People do give away perfectly usable computers when they buy new ones. You have no idea if that person bought, found, stole, borrowed or was gifted a device.
That’s how I feel about trump. All he had to do was keep committing fraud and crimes quietly. Instead he decided to make us all aware of what a colossal fuck up he is. Xelon is like his twin. May they both hang as US traitors.