They also want you to sign up for the website, so who knows what they do with this data. They’re linking your name and email to who you shop with, on a platform that knows you’re interested in politically motivation or shopping alternatively.
They also want you to sign up for the website, so who knows what they do with this data. They’re linking your name and email to who you shop with, on a platform that knows you’re interested in politically motivation or shopping alternatively.
I’m worried for the day when they say “yes, so what?”
So they can sell them to Russia? Give me a break.
Interstate collution at the expense of people.
They want you to sign up with your email to do this.
Data that authorities may be interested in:
They may be ‘interested in’, but does that mean they’re readily available for them to share with whoever wants them?
This is terrible, R.I.P komoot. You were one of the best.