I know it’s off topic but, Marco is not blond!?
I know it’s off topic but, Marco is not blond!?
Who was the idiot that removed LiDar to cut costs?
Before anyone forgets, this all started with Tesla. They lacked the skill, talent, know how, money and manufacturing capacity to make a decent center console. They then decided to move everything to the touchscreen because software is cheap to add to cars, thousands of small precision engineered objects are not. It was a margins game by the man “with the most knowledge on manufacturing in the world”. The rest of the industry followed because the bougie idiots made the brand so popular “they could not be doing something wrong, right?”. Queue the competitors copying that absolutely regarded idea. Everyone calling this regarded, was screamed into oblivion by tesla fanboys and design savants: “You’re just too dumb to understand minimalist design”. And here we are, turns out designing something that makes the driver take their eyes off the road on a 2000Kg murder machine is actually NOT good design.
The range is poor by design, keeping the vehicle price low while having still a steep margin due to cheaping out on the battery. This way urban affluent populations get the e vehicle while the rural populations get the benzin one since the electric version is borderline useless in a rural setting. Its a sad state of affairs. Regarding the rest, I couldn’t disagree more, had a completely opposite experience with the 208 E.