wwwwhoa that is crazy.
wwwwhoa that is crazy.
tldr your anxieties here are ridiculous and for the large part simply unfactual and unsupported by any evidence, although I take the time to correct them below.
“most people understand that traveling abroad with a passport is no guarantee of getting a job abroad”
this is specifically because they don’t have the experience or knowledge that comes with traveling abroad.
"Even if you travel and you have a remote job, there is no guarantee that your cost of living is gonna go down. "
this is flatly incorrect, maybe the most ignorant comment so far. this is as incorrect as claiming that one plus one equals four.
if you move from a country with a high cost of living to a country with a lower cost of living, your cost of living will go down, full stop, there is no maybe about it.
that is simple fact, and to claim otherwise is absurd and makes absolutely zero sense.
“Countries change.”
broadly and over time, but you aren’t going to land in a country that costs 50% less and then suddenly find out 3 months later that everything costs as much as the US.
that does not hapoen, but even if we play to make believe and it did, you can move the next day to another of the 100+ countries with a lower cost of living.
“the pesky fact that to be able to work as a vacation stay while being inside another country, you usually need a visa.”
this is also incorrect and clearly stems from your ignorance of travel.
if you ask questions instead of making assumptions, I won’t have to correct every single one of these false statements.
three important points here:
if you are a digital nomad, many countries waive taxes and a work visa for digital income. you can go through the Visa process if you want to, but you do not need to.
a work visa for teaching English abroad as a native English speaker is about the easiest visa to get.
visas are not some kind of crapshoot or gamble. if you apply for a Visa and you fit the requirements, you get the visa. the process only becomes more surefire for industry-critical jobs, like English teaching in a world that relies on English.
“You can work remotely in there, all good.”
“But you will have to pay for everything in cash”
incorrect, you can use a card with no transaction fees, or online payments.
“…because you can’t use the ATMs up to certain limits of withdrawals.”
every bank in refrigerator country has daily withdrawal limits, is that what you’re afraid of?
because the daily limit in Panama for withdrawals is $500 per day. that’s plenty of money for daily activities.
you don’t even need more than $500 a day in the US.
“Try western union? Good, a chunk of your money is just gone, and that’s if they don’t catch you transferring money to yourself.”
there is no reason to throw away your money.
if you want to throw away your money personally, feel free, or give it to someone in need.
you choosing to throw away money out of ignorance or fear doesn’t mean that the cost of living is more expensive, it means that you are personally choosing to throw away money.
“Try crypto?”
again, zero reason to do this.
"Even credit cards have limited use as you need to leave a travel warning to the card. "
first, this is not true.
secondly, if you want to leave a travel warning, it is a one minute phone call.
you call the company you want to, tell them I will be traveling for the next 6 months, they say okay and add the notification to your account.
if you forget to do that and your card gets frozen while abroad (which is not common), you call up the bank tell them you are traveling, confirm your identity and they unfreeze your card.
“Maybe you renew it, maybe not”
this would be the exact same thing if you were still living in the US. do you use expired credit and debit cards in the us?
of course not, that would be idiotic.
“after a time suspicious activity starts to pile up from outside your billing country”
this is simply untrue, the longer you travel the more normal it becomes that you are using your card abroad.
and again with a one minute phone call, you can let the company know you were traveling, this is a non-issue.
“Pay rent? In cash.”
flatly incorrect again.
you can use pretty much any form of payment to pay online for rent in every country.
“Rent is not cheap in there”
again, that is the whole point of moving to a place with a cheap cost of living.
you seem not to understand basic math.
if you move to a place that costs more, or a house that costs more than where you are living now, you are going to end up paying more, and have a higher cost of living.
my suggestion is that people who are paying a lot move to places that cost less for the same quality, that will result in a lower cost of living.
you want to pay more, I want people to pay less.
“Food is cheap but it is getting near international prices since a few years ago”
this is not true, even though you’ve chosen the richest country in Central America.
you can take a bus from that country to any other country and everything will instantly be cheaper.
you are very confused about how economies work.
"forget about all the luxuries you have in the usa while living in there. "
incorrect, especially in Panama you can enjoy every single luxury at a lower price than you enjoy in the US.
not to mention the cost of living is so low, you’re enjoying zero cost of utilities, an incredibly low cost of insurance, low cost of healthcare, low cost of all foods, low cost of rent, and every luxury you want is available but costs less.
this is why I encourage people to move away from the US. except for you, you are so afraid of basic facts that maybe you should give yourself some time.
“Transportation is the easiest one…”
you’re clearly talking about how afraid us transportation makes you and how expensive it is, that is the most expensive and useless transportation in the world.
transportation everywhere else in the world is very commonplace, easy to use and cheap in comparison to the US.
none of what you have said so far is remotely accurate, while my information is easily verifiable by online apps, charts and articles.
“You could become a citizen”
you could become a skydiver.
“But if you have 40k ISD to 750k USD to spare, why the hassle? Stay at the USA.”
because if you have 750k USD to spare (and have no unforeseen expenses), you can live for several years in the US inside a system that does not support you, OR you can live abroad well for the rest of your life.
if you stay in the usa, you have no health Care. if you travel abroad, you have quality, instant, affordable healthcare.
if you stay in the us, your utilities alone cost more than twice your rent if you live abroad.
if you stay in the us, you aren’t guaranteed a job as a native English speaker. abroad, you are guaranteed that job.
there are many reasons to not stay in the US.
you are completely off the mark on all of your fears and anxieties.
and that is why I am here, because I know what I’m talking about.
what a great handle.
which country were you working at decathlon in?
I’ve been to them all over the world, and their manufacturing bases decentralized, so I’m wondering if one country has worse quality items than the others.
can’t believe you about better quality elsewhere, decathlon is absolutely my go-to sports store for any equipment, I’ve been using them for about 15 years without a single product that hasn’t met or exceeded my expectations, and that’s not smoke.
the first rucksack I ever bought still looks and feels new 15 years later, like not a single buckle has even broken, the hammock I bought lasted for a decade without any tears, and that is a super lightweight material, the day bags last for years, I don’t think I’ve ever got something from decathlon that wasn’t great.
shoot I’ve only worn decathlon quick dry ripstop pants for the past 15 years haha, I love them.
I did try a couple different brands while I was visiting the states, but North face and Columbia quick dry ripstop pants are dog shit compared to decathlon products.
shoot I still have the sleeping bag I bought with the rucksack, haha.
"sometimes they were throwing away some products but always smashed them (like, with a hammer) "
well that sounds bananas.
“creatures that only exist in fiction?”
Why are you asking me?
“Like your comments?”
Kid, the lines of reality are clearly blurred for you, but these comments are happening right now. They are not fiction.
I pity you, sincerely. You must have a difficult life.
“yeah but we aren’t talking about emmigration”
There you go! I just have to keep repeating the same thing and knew you’d eventually catch on. Spelling notwithstanding.
'They don’t allow you to emmigrate."
Not what we’re talking about, remember there champ?
“but you also need a lot of paper work with whatever country you’re moving to”
“if you’re homeless, you would be spending 0 money on cost of living, and therefore have SO MUCH MONEY.”
What did…that’s it.
Sweet summer child, homeless people in america without income make even less than your vaunted capitalists in America, again because the cost of living is so high. Homeless people with an income are not going to be saving any money. Because they don’t have an income.
No wonder you thought dead people spend money.
Dude. Book. Read.
You’re hopelessly lost.
You can also ask questions, so you stop sounding so ignorant.
Your comments are embarrassing to read.
Stop acting so scared. Ask some real questions. You can learn here.
“I didn’t post the differences between passport and visa for your benefit.”
Would have been foolish to.
"…three separate posts you choose to “nuh uh bro” me and not explain shit. "
I’m very specifically correcting your errors with real-time verifiable data. Which numbers or words don’t you understand?
“I don’t know what to do with your ridiculous views.”
Those are the facts, Jack.
“The facts surrounding immigration and employment in desirable countries is freely available and plainly place plenty of restrictions and barriers to meaningful long-term residency”
Long for a non-sequitir.
“It’s designed to be hard.”
Well, it isn’t.
“But mostly, If immigration, residency, and employment in foreign countries was cheap and easy like you say…”
didn’t say that.
You’re making things up and drawing false conclusions from your make-believies.
It’s very easy to travel indefinitely and save money immediately doing it for native English speakers.
Try to sound out the words when you read them, it’ll help.
'…everyone would fucking be doing it all the time"
the brave and smart ones are. Not to toot, but toot toot.
“I’m done with you.”
You did get wrecked, slow learner but wise to quit while you’re behind.
“why do you keep saying lower cost of living?”
because a lot of americans are poor and scared because they are poor.
move abroad, they aren’t poor and can rapidly save money.
A lower cost of living means you have more money.
I’m…not sure I can make this simpler for you, so I hope one of those sticks.
“If you go homeless you can also have a lower cost of living.”
Incorrect. You aren’t living the same way, you are merely surviving which I’ve already pointed out in my earlier comments by specifying the easy accessibility of a lower cost of living while retaining the same or better services.
You can go homeless if you want, but that’s your own playpen, not my recommendation.
“Contrary to popular belief, if you’re dead, the cost of living is zero.”
How did you not know this before now?
What did you think dead people were spending money on?
What do you think centaurs are?
if you need any help, I’ve been helping people travel full time for as long as I stated, in stark contrast to your claim of “I’ve been traveling longer” followed by your claim of exploring the options of long-term travel.
unlike you, I have been traveling indefinitely for over a decade and do know what I’m talking about, and I will help you if you want help.
“I’ve been traveling longer”
if you misunderstood my comment enough that you had to look up the difference between passports and visas, then you are certainly not a traveler.
you also said when referring to long-term travel that you are still “exploring it”.
you don’t know what you’re talking about, so don’t make things up.
“You conveniently sidestep travel costs.”
incorrect, I explicitly state that the travel costs are insignificant compared to the savings.
“Maybe they’re easy for you.”
they are easy for most people who care to learn about them.
you clearly do not know anything about travel costs, hence yoir confusion.
you can ask questions instead of trying to attack me without a basic knowledge; it’s not going to work and you’re just going to end up sounding more foolish.
“I can’t believe you handwaved that away along with living expenses.”
that’s because you’re making this about beliefs instead of the facts on the ground.
hostels are $90 a month in Cambodia right now.
what is the cost of your rent and utilities right now?
“There are serious limitations to who can rent/own in some countries”
incorrect us to rent, but if you want to buy a house, don’t buy one in those six countries, there are 200 other countries.
“local banks are requires, asset transfers abroad are limited…”
none of this is correct for what I’ve talked about so far, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
“by the destination countries on how much money a foreigner is allowed to hold in an account.”
all of your concerns are marginal cases that I haven’t explained yet.
nonetheless, you are wrong about all of them so far.
most countries do not limit how much money you can have abroad.
“can state for a fact that there are plenty of hurdles to relocating from the US to many countries.”
no you cannot, because the facts defy your anxieties.
I’ve been traveling like this a long time, helping other people travel like this, it’s very doable and in every case I’ve come across, easier than their life was in the states.
and again, the facts prove you wrong on their face.
US citizens can travel coun Lisa free or with visa on arrival to 186 countries.
"We are actively exploring it and it is absolutely not as simple as hopping on a plane, renting a flat, and taking in the local cuisine at the cafe on the corner. "
again, you are wrong. it is exactly that easy to start traveling, from the states especially.
if you have a passport, you can sell all of your things, jump on a plane, and start living abroad indefinitely tomorrow.
you don’t have to, no one’s going to make you, but for nearly every native-english speaking American or anyone making more than 500 USD per month remotely, that is an option.
“You are confusing passports and visas.”
I’ve been traveling for 15 years, I’m not confusing passports and visas.
“I have no idea what you mean by reducing cost of living”
imagine you have to pay $800 in rent.
that $800 is your cost of living.
imagine that next month you move to a different house that costs $400 in rent.
you move there and now pay $400 per month.
that is a reduced cost of living.
"…travel expenses to/from the destination. "
travel expenses are so low as to be insignificant when compared to the amount of money you save on cost of living while traveling abroad.
it fucking rocks. shoot me over a message if you ever have any questions, I love talking about this stuff and have helped more than a few people start traveling full time.
whatever listicle taught you these words, you are using them incorrectly.
parroting a buzzword when you are proven wrong just makes you look wrong and ignorant.
that’s a great idea, I traveled across Western and Central europe, pretty much all of asia, Australia, India, morocco, I’m in Guatemala right now.
after South America probably I should start on Africa, but the largest inhabited continent is such a massive undertaking that I haven’t got to it yet.
I don’t think Morocco counts, I need that sub-Saharan Safari vibe going on.
oh definitely, I’ve been searching for these numbers forever, I didn’t really know where to ask. I think I tried Ask Lemmy once but no dice
thank you so much! it’s great to know that the national distribution is so wide, even considering those statistical biases.
thank you smjarf.
Americans who travel, as with all travelers, tend to become open-mindedx curious and engaging people; traveling makes people better.
and more will follow, thank goodness
Rump bragged he would basically sabotage the utility of weapons and equipment the US sells to allies.