15 hours agoI understand uniformity and all, but there’s also a lot of over-sheltering going on. Part of being ready for the world is knowing things out there are rarely fair and most of us get offended at one point or another. You learn to brush it off and grow thicker skin, making you a stronger individual.
I’m not sure why we’re name calling (that’s what bullies do, right?) but I was definitely the receiver of the bullying growing up and have never bullied others.
I think the sign is fine and when I see signs that aren’t inclusive of me, I’m fine with that too. If my kids see something that they are uncomfortable with, I’ll talk to them about it. I’m not going to storm down to the principal and demand to know why someone dared to not include my child. Over-sheltering kids does them an injustice because they’re unprepared. That’s the point I was making, not some pro-bigot diatribe or whatever you’re describing.
We absolutely should be inclusive, and we should also prepare our children for an imperfect world. You can do both.