Updates Millennial vocabulary…
Updates Millennial vocabulary…
the owner of the original account said: “I clearly stated ‘reportedly’ because it was the latest information coming from credible Hollywood sources. And yes, I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Mr Musk. He has my loyalty for LIFE, and I don’t say that lightly.”
That’s fuckin’ weird bro. Fuckin’ weird. Back in my day we used to call those kind of people flunkies and bootlickers.
I’ve had conversations with some religious people where they’ve basically stated that the only reason they don’t murder people is because of God and the Bible. Not the exact words, but basically that’s where all their ideas of morality come from. That’s fucking scary if the only thing holding people back is a fucking book. And not, you know, compassion and empathy.
Starship is still very much an unmanned prototype with major issues to work out. Falcon 9 and the Dragon capsule are proven, reliable tech. I’d rather be on that than Boeing’s piece of garbage. That’s who stranded them there.
It’s okay to separate the achievements of SpaceX from the Nazi fuckstick who owns it. The engineers there are brilliant, despite their boss.
If you plan on leaving anything to anyone else after you die, that’s a good way to screw that up. If you’re completely alone with nobody claiming anything of yours, go for it.
I’ve been ahead of the curve for over a decade! Totally not because I’m a broke SOB who can’t afford an EV anyway…