All this bullshit is tiring. Abolish the NATO veto and just give Ukraine membership of it already.
All this bullshit is tiring. Abolish the NATO veto and just give Ukraine membership of it already.
I am shocked! Shocked I say!
Who would have thought that with his best buddy back in the Whitehouse and Ukraine cut off from some financial and military support as a result, that the Kremlin would feel emboldened to reject any kind of peace deal?!
Putin knows that now his stooge is President he can put much do whatever the hell he wants when it comes to Ukraine. At least for a while - until Europe gets a strategy in place (if that happens), and until Russia’s runs out of breathing conscripts.
Here’s hoping the rest of the West can provide enough support quickly to keep Ukraine from losing a huge chunk of their territory.
Fucked around ✅
Found out 👈
It’s like when you hear some hardcore Christians (and probably other hardcore religious people) say that without the threat of eternal damnation they would be going around raping and murdering other people all over the place. And to them that’s the main justification for the need for religion.
To me that’s just a massive red flag that they are psychopaths and completely horrible people. If the only thing keeping you in check is angry sky daddy then you have something profoundly wrong with you.