How would she be able to do that?
How would she be able to do that?
He’s not up for re election.
If you watch his rallies (not recommended for sanity) he does crack jokes. But it’s always punching down at someone. If something gets a response from the crowd he’ll repeat it untill it’s a dead horse and beyond.
That’s how most of his policy and sayings got started in his first term. ‘Drain the Swamp’ being the most famous example. He’s on video saying he has no idea what drain the swamp even means, but the crowd ate it up so he kept it going.
He might have randomly threw ‘invade canada’ out in the middle of a meandering speech and people cheered, and so he’s now focused on it.
Gotcha. Good point to bring up
We’re talking about primaries and midterms. If you don’t understand how elections work, i don’t know what to tell you other than wikipedia is a great resource.
Are you American? If you are then you should already understand this.
That doesn’t make the other 35 seats meaningless.
Midterms are game changers. It is not too late for primaries.
The 2026 U.S. midterm elections are scheduled for November 3, 2026. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 Senate seats will be contested.
The courts are fighting back. A lot of people fired by Musky are getting thier jobs back. The executive orders are being challenged and revoked. Trump and Company have been using a gatling gun of disorder, but it is being countered.
.ml logic strikes again
Are any of those 15 people employed by the news company that published this?
How are we all in charge of journalism?
You go out and protest, champ. Instead of spending every hour of the last two months on lemmy telling Americans what to do.
Don’t you have anything else to do?
No one buys your fake af story of spending years in a car mooching of people “in protest”. Especially if all you do now is troll US posts.
Grow up. Be better.
We’re asking you to stop trolling
I hope that’s true
Supposedly he’d have to have a reason, such as terrorism like you say, in order to pull a Bush Jr Invasion.
In todays wacked out evil af world… who knows. Im wondering why he’s just not using the CIA to “covertly” do this. But then again it could all be a bluff.
No, that’s calling you out for trolling US posts 24/7. That has nothing to do with blaming my counties problems on anyone else.
Your reply makes no sense, but trolls gonna troll I guess.
Who did i blame for our problems that’s in another country?
I know you’re not American. But hot damn you sure are obsessed over us.
Why don’t you spend some time in posts about your own country for a few minutes?
If you feel that strongly, how come you only comment in posts about the US?
It took me a minute, but now I see you have their God-given names listed. Well done.