Are you a white house staffer carrying a heavy stack of top secret documents? Do you desperately need both hands to vape or to text roger stone a progress report? Try DOCDASH!
Just request a docdasher in app and a helpful person like Yvegeny, Dmitri or Boris will show up to the white house on a motorcycle, take your documents from you, not copy and transmit them, and just keep them very safe, like tippy top safe.
It will be what we make it. For now, stop performing on social media though and try to listen and think a bit. We take in history and try to learn from it. That’s the first step.
You’re scared, that’s fine. Take strength from knowing that this isn’t brand new. Doesn’t mean it’s easy or the good guys “win”, but means people have survived this before, fascist regimes have toppled, just not in the US yet. So we’ll see. We’ll hope there’s less death, less destruction, but there already is and will be some.
It’s okay for you to be scared. There’s probably SOMETHING you can be doing to help though. Take some time and consider what that might be.