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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2024


  • It’s definetly a flawed methodology. It implies the certain qualities have the same importance to cultures worldwide. I’m born in Scotland but ethnically Punjabi. I go pakistan and i see extreme poverty and struggle, yet I speak and live with people of different classes and it’s often those who are poor but with community who are happiest (something similar applies to many nations I’ve been) not to say wealth wouldn’t make them happier or live longer, but our current capitalist system is a disease that very very few nations were able to effectively control so that the society benefits (gulf Arabs, Singapore and Nordics) but generally wealth doesn’t make a nation happier unless it’s somewhat fairly distributed

  • Look I’m pro Pali so this isn’t me coming from a political but rather a historical view. First and foremost. Judaism was a religion passed by language for generations before being written down, think how insane a game of Chinese whispers like that would go? Theyre book is pretty barbaric in the amolek stuff but actual physical data goes against any proof of any genocide or walls of Jericho falling down.

    I am dissing Israelis tho, judaism was hijacked by a bunch of upper class elitist Ashkenazi Jews who weren’t being accepted into white bourgeoisie society so they wanted their own ethnostate with a little inspiration from European colonisation. Even Hebrew was a dead language being “revived” by Frankensteining modern and old Arabic into the new Hebrew language.

    You are right, no proof on jesus or even abraham, and mohammed having any sort of connection to either of those two beings seems laughable (as an ex Muslim). It’s all an absolute joke but you look through Judaism entire history before 1850, they have never ever been a warrior people. Even the ethno religion is bogus since those born to Jews must do things to prove their faith as a Jew (I really respect even if that practice is both part dead part corrupted)

    Christianity was also hijacked 300 years after jesus died by Constantine who all Christians have a boner for. Turned a peaceful religion into the apparatus of imperial power, more than Hellenism could have ever brought.

    Of the three Abrahamic faiths only islam was a warrior religion and that mostly comes down to arabia being under the boot of that at moment two very weak and broken empires and them reaching peak empire immensely fast further cementing to the Muslim invaders this was the best path

  • This isn’t 1940 nazi Germany and pretend you didn’t know. Nor can the Israelis or massive amounts of “secular Jews” say they didn’t know or didn’t understand what they did, especially with the 70+ year concept of never again and “we are the eternal victim”

    Whether it happens Tommorow or in 80 years. I will live my life to ensure the world doesn’t forget what Israel and America have done, Noe will my kids or their kids. The sun has set on the Roman (American) empire and it’s silly little colonial foothold will be dismantled. While Israel doesn’t make me hate Jewish people, I’m stating to truly believes well over 50% of the entire people’s faith are corrupted, brainwashed or straight evil.

    But if the world started to hate Jews, who could literally blame them now? Israel has been the worst thing for antisemetism and has hijacked an ancient and mostly pacifist faith. All Israeli crimes are Jewish crimes, and all their genocides and crimes against humanity is specifically done in the name of the Jews.

  • Assuming you’re American, you do understand the irony of America taking in the most nazi elite and scientists for their own personal projects right? Also if you read mein kampf you’ll find it fascinating how much he was inspired by American legalised racism and ethnic cleanings. America is a nation built like how Israel was, through ideological and legalized genocide, racism, fascism and racism. I’m starting to comprehend how the soviet did the real nazi killing and suffered the real consequences of the Nazis unlike America.