It would tear the US apart internally is what I mean.
Imagine having millions of insurgents directly on your border that blend in perfectly with your own people. Now imagine they are angry and willing to cause as much carnage as possible. Think the Troubles on steroids.
Now imagine a population of people who didnt want this war in the first place fearing they may be killed at any moment because Orange man, who they didnt vote for, said to invade your peaceful neighbor.
How will that end? It would rip the US apart. Not on day one, but with time.
So yes, it would destroy Canada. But it would destroy the US too.
To everyone outside that shithole of a country: for the love of fuck stop visiting the US unless you have a reason. Its clear border security can do whatever the fuck they want with impunity. It isnt worth the risk. Let the country rot and leave them.