Definitely not skills. But both sides in the war want to have a strong start to the negotiation. Ukraine might give up Crimea officially for NATO membership. Russia will do anything that will look like they won.
Definitely not skills. But both sides in the war want to have a strong start to the negotiation. Ukraine might give up Crimea officially for NATO membership. Russia will do anything that will look like they won.
Trump doesn’t care, but on the other hand I really don’t think he is a Russian asset.
Russia is playing their negotiating well. They have projected strength and total commitment to their claimed goals. They were able to do it, because of the diplomatic blunders by the Trump administration. Until now US have not said anything about Russian concessions. They were mentioned, but nothing specific.
On the other side, the Ukrainians will never accept anything close to what the Russians want. Even if America tries to force the conditions on them, they will still have some support from Europe.
Trump wants this. I mean, let’s get serious, if he does it, he could legitimately expect the Nobel prize. I’m not even joking, if he does, he would be an idiot savant of peacemaking. It’s highly unlikely though, but what is his way out?
Thats completely naive. Reality doesn’t work like memes. People are dying, lives are being destroyed.