Barely any, sadly. We need more gals (and guys, too) to bare themselves here so it won’t be bare-ly anymore. Bears are acceptable, too. Not just twinks.
Only far, far worse.
I want my Fandoms and porn here. The niche stuff is the only reason why reddit has any appeal anymore.
Beat me to it. People forget that that is one of the worst aspects of surviving measels. Your immune system is fucked. Meaning you will die from some disease you HAD immunity to previously. This is why measels was effectively a death sentence if you got it as an adult.
And being an American cop will be more the lieu of people who want to murder legally than serve their community.
Never fail to underestimate how much failures cause people to become more dug in than realize something is off.
I remember in the early 2000s atheist sites would often pose questions about how believers could continue to believe when natural disasters and disease go rampant.
The facts? Natural disasters, when they happen to believers, make them MORE entrenched in their beliefs and not less.
Forget about king and country. For goddamn humanity as a whole!
The overwhelming majority of billionaires keep quiet and keep to themselves, doing everything they can to stay out of the limelight. Elon is someone who simply cannot shut up and will not stop attracting negative attention to himself.
I read part of a very boring Western novel (that was written in the 1950s) as a teenager. I never finished it since I kinda found it highly unappealing (I only bought it because I wanted something to read on a flight… it was the 90s. No cell phones!). But there was ONE quote in it that never left my mind:
“Pistols are for storybooks and fools. When you want to go fighting, you get your rifle.” Basically what I am saying is that if you KNOW you’re going to need a gun, grab your shotgun or rifle and let your pistol be a secondary.