Top quality comment. Developing Russia into a strong nation would be a century long effort and would require a complete change in way of thinking.
If anything, they only expanded their cannon fodder doctrine to their economy as well. Russia will never be a great nation by itself. They will only be one by taking great nations next to it. Putin knows this and it is what i suspect the reason for these senseless wars. Even the atomic bomb is useless to them if nobody attempts to go into Russia. Brickwalling them economically and militarily will lead them to degenerate and die, owing to their self destructive policies, which is why Putin is so against a defensive organization forming around them. It’s why he’s so invested in Donald Trump to turn around the already forming brickwall.
It was never about the range of the nukes, intentions of the US or the alleged offensive intentions of NATO that never existed. It’s purely and simply because if Russia doesn’t take land to exploit from people who actually can carry out meaningful progress and development, they degenerate as a country. Their doctrine is self destructive and they have never known any better.
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