And every one and every thing he can get his hands on.
And every one and every thing he can get his hands on.
Trump is deeply confused as always.
Destroy the world and then get to walk away with all the money. I am sure they will get away with it. Evil is having it’s day.
When MAGA enters the room they tend to stink up the place. I can see why they booed.
This Nazi run government has to be shutdown period.
Making America great again for idiots.
What is next for our Nazi Orange Turd an attack into Poland?
The Orange Turd is an economic disaster.
The Orange Turd is planning on taking a shit on Panama.
Yes we need to make it so our glorious leader decides who is a citizen.
Soon they will be using the army to attack Americans.
It would be foolish to bring a child into this living nightmare.
Now we are going to find out how well LA is vaccinated.
Yes please. This is a fantastic strategy and I strongly support it.
Most of the manufacturers here in the USA are republicans so keep it up they deserve it.
I would expect nothing less from Putin’s puppet.
The disgusting people in this country should be ashamed of targeting the most vulnerable people.
Glad to see we are turning on all our friends. Well done Orange Turd.
You morons are destroying the economy and throwing people out of work.