A fair question. Black tea is the most prevalent type of tea across the world. Recently after seeing a news story about Indian Kulhads (single use ceramic cups) I did some searching about what teas different regions drink, and most regions seem to drink regular black tea with some preferring black tea with spices. I don’t think the masses would accept 145° oolong at twice the price for the sole reason of lowering their risk of scalding burns.
I think maybe you could consider putting this into perspective. One accident among tens of millions of cups of coffee and tea served really isn’t cause for pitchforks and reforms, it’s just life, and unfortunate accidents happen. I hope the guy in the car recovers.
At the end of the day, whether it was the guy tilting the carrier, or the barista not seating the cup, it was an hourly employee behind the window being a human, not the CEO.