Fine. They get 2 dozen eggs in exchange for California.
Fine. They get 2 dozen eggs in exchange for California.
Not just in interviews, but also by his actions. Like building a hyperloop or the boring company, or his false claims about his past which became clear very early. His bold claims to control the stock market, several times. His impossible view of the near future, how he tries to oversell it to get investors before they find out he’s a scam. His words didn’t mean much to me in the beginning, he could just be really bad with PR, but his actions show what kind of person he is. And it happens to be the same as how he is in interviews. A fucking psycho who would do anything to get power, money and fame, no matter the cost or other’s agony, suffering and/or death.
From the moment I’ve heard his name for the first time, I could clearly see he’s a nascicistic scam artist. Nothing good can come from someone like that. He didn’t hide anything, people were just too dumb to see. There’s a shit load of red flags every time he speaks or does anything. Don’t say he was better at hiding it, people were just too ignorant to see and now they try to find reasons to hide their own incompetence.
Elon? Going mad? How is that possible, the guy’s been mad since the beginning. He’s a narcicitic asshole who can’t handle that not everyone loves him and believes his lies so he turns super evil. I know OD on ketamine is hard, but I hope he’ll try, and if he succeeds, it will be his first accomplishment which is actually good for this world.
Elon Musk, the biggest loser of all time. Shocker.