And how do you propose we wrest control of the Democratic Party from its corporate overlords and put the power in the hands of the working class?
Seems about as farfetched as a new party imo, but I’d love to hear a realistic plan.
And how do you propose we wrest control of the Democratic Party from its corporate overlords and put the power in the hands of the working class?
Seems about as farfetched as a new party imo, but I’d love to hear a realistic plan.
I understand that questioning your liberal worldview can be painful, but thought-terminating clichés like “whataboutism” do a disservice to rational discussion.
It is not whataboutism to discuss how Trump’s illegal actions are enabled by his predecessors’ illegal actions.
It is not whataboutism to point out the Biden administration routinely circumvented the Leahy Law in order to continue the genocide in Palestine.
If “full dictator” is defined as ignoring established law to enact their agenda, then Biden did go full dictator multiple times. Most notable is how he circumvented established law in order to continue sending lethal aid to genocidal Israel.
And you’re right, Biden going “full dictator” does have negative repercussions. Trumps’s illegal actions are somewhat normalized by the illegal actions of his predecessors.
I just wish for once a president would go “full dictator” for the working class and not for the billionaires and genocidal regimes.
Have you actually tried to do this?
Personally, I’ve tried to reform the democratic party from the inside for the last 20 years, and I’ve given up, I think it’s a foolheardy endeavor.
Corporate interests are thoroughly entrenched in the party at every level. The democratic party has set up so many structural hurdles that make it nearly impossible for a progressive challenger to have a shot.
Take a small example: when I was volunteering for two different local progressive challengers, they both had extreme difficulty doing basic campaign things like printing flyers, road signs, pamphlets etc. Why? Because the Democratic Party has a explicit policy of blacklisting any vendor who aids a progressive challenger. No print shop would print our flyers.
There are so many structural hurdles like this set up by the Democratic Party, I would encourage you to volunteer and find out how bad it is for yourself.