Could be that the number is just so low it doesn’t necessarily indicate a systematic issue yet. I’m sure a few have always been held because of inadequate documents or whatever.
Of course, we can all see the political shift, and it’s horrible for the people involved. I would have liked to see a more loud and bold response. But for an institution maybe it’s not that time yet, until they know what the accusations and proceedings are.
Putin supporting the divisive Trump here plays Trump’s narcissistic ego and strengthens his position as a disruptor of the western coalition and Ukraine, the other parties involved in the process.
Maybe it’s a good thing. Or maybe it’s a small thing that makes no difference. Putin left everything open. He didn’t restrict his maneuverability at all.
I considered calling it “maybe an important symbol”. But Putin always manipulates and plays with those. So calling it that would only play in his hands.