If every accusation is an admission of guilt and the weirdos kept accusing Gates of implementing microchips in the vaccines then…
Oh God 😐
If every accusation is an admission of guilt and the weirdos kept accusing Gates of implementing microchips in the vaccines then…
Oh God 😐
To have a real winner the president needs 270 voices in the electoral college, if a third party won enough States that wouldn’t happen, what then?
Same in the Senate and Congress, if neither the Democrats or the Republicans have enough seats to have a majority because of a third party, they’ll need to work with that party.
Just because it’s not part of the culture it doesn’t mean it can’t happen and that politicians won’t have to deal with it if it does.
Oh for sure!
And the car is on fire so the infotainment system doesn’t work anymore!
Womp womp
But there’s emergency latches!
They’re just hidden somewhere in the doors and you need the owner’s manual to figure out where they are…
At the same time, it was inspired by a TV series where the main character and actor changed…