And then Trump will rescind the ADA and disability benefits so those unable to (fully) work will become homeless and destitute and die from exposure or police brutality.
And then Trump will rescind the ADA and disability benefits so those unable to (fully) work will become homeless and destitute and die from exposure or police brutality.
That’s all technically correct. That’s how it works in a lot countries, Europe included. But that’s not how it feels, or what people think is going on. They’re paying into a system that is going to benefit them. Even if what they receive is derived from future taxes on other people. They contributed to the system, therefore they are also entitled to benefit from it.
Reminder: you paid taxes in order to receive social security when you need it. If they negate on that deal, ask for your taxes back.
“after a bystander broke a window with a tree branch” Ah yes, the bulletproof windows that could double as submergible windows for an unspecified amount of time at an unspecified depth.