Seriously! If I were the richest man in the world, I’d just fuck off quietly to my secret billionaire volcano, where I’d get fucked up on wine plundered from a sunken Spanish treasure galleon, and drugs you’ve never even heard of, for as long as I want, because literally nothing can affect you when you’re that rich! Why would you invite so much mockery??
Israel is much more closely aligned with the Nazis than any victims of the Holocaust
Turns out the War on Terror was DEI all along. George Bush is going to be really upset
With a quote from a professor that was involved in that investigation too
The title makes it sound like the judge put Data and the AI on the same side of the comparison. The judge was specifically saying that, unlike in the fictional Federation setting, where Data was proven to be alive, this AI is much more like the metaphorical toaster that characters like Data and Robert Picardo’s Doctor on Voyager get compared to. It is not alive, it does not create, it is just a tool that follows instructions.
The existence of intelligence, not the quality
Who says they have found the killer? All I see is a scapegoat, snatched up by a panicking NYPD