abby something
abby something
you look for girlfriends when your in a relationship?
weren’t they already desperately trying to get them back once they once again realized they effed up massively. again.
And we are barely two months in.
“It used to be, when I were a kid, that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” he said, then taking a swipe at the vaccine. “The vaccine doesn’t do that. The vaccine is effective for some people for life, but for many people it wanes.”
oh. yeah so not really any better than the us although future action looks like it might be better.
folks have felt the pain again and again and yet the pendulum swings.
Yeah it usually takes two terms to right the plane and we barely got to level and we are pushing full throttle toward the ground again. This time trump has no real elevation increase to take advantage of.
I hate when articles like this use words like controversy. There is no controversy when someone just makes up that a standard thing is now an issue.
Why the wait to send in peackeepers. Russia shore did not (if im not mistaken they initially called their troop buildup peacekeepers). Would be ironic if the uk and eu ended up defending ukraine with troops given both the us and russia signed a treaty saying they would. I mean russias a backstabber but the us is the person who said they would help and did not (I know we did some stuff but given the treaty we signed we should have stopped the annexation of crimea)
yeah I would do this if it worked over starlink provided it gave as good or better connection.
weren’t they arguing for more h1b’s before? sure plenty of folks will want to do it given this.
Its annoying that we need a fact check on this sovereign citizen like non reasoning. Heres one of mine. since nixon was impeached all actions by republican presidents are null and void. sorry. nixon got impeached. now no president of his party is lawful.