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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024


  • Let me tell you why I’m rude.

    I’m standing in line for a return at Target. This old karen with a “Grandma for Trump” shirt on walks up behind me.

    I’ve been waiting for at least 10 minutes and nobody is there. I’ve got all the time in the world, the workers have seen me, all good.

    Karen starts bitching to me about how the “lazy n****rs” won’t serve her here. it’s happened tons of times.

    I look this old bitch in the face and say, “fuck off you racist old cunt. nobody owes you shit.”

    she got all red in the face and sulked off to whatever crackden she crawled out of.

    I’m rude, because of the audacity of racist white old fucks who just need to mix their meds juuuust right for the deep sleep.

    if y’all racist pos are that fucking miserable, do the world a favor and fuck right off to a hole in the ground.