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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I believe they’re owned by Diageo, which is a UK company, and I don’t think that Diageo has an American subsidiary like Suntory does, but otherwise pretty much everything I said applies.

    This really is a situation where you have to do a little research and make your own value judgement on these things. I’m honestly not too sure where I land on it, I want to support Canada in this but I also want to give as little money to the US government as possible, and they’re somewhat at odds so I need to make the call which is more important for me with every item I might buy that has to cross the border.

  • Black market just makes it even harder to figure out where your money’s going.

    Are the people smuggling liquor across the border only smuggling liquor, or are they involved in other crimes that you’re supporting from buying from them?

    When is the liquor being diverted from legitimate channels into the black market? Has it already crossed the border and the tariffs been paid? Kind of defeats the purpose then, doesn’t it? Is it happening before it crosses the border and possibly fucking over the Canadians you’re trying to support?

    Unless you’re traveling to Canada and buying it legitimately to smuggle back you’re probably not accomplishing what you hope to.

    Or I suppose you could start moonshining.

  • I think this recommendation is a good segue into how important it is to think about where your money is going.

    First of all, it seems obvious to buy Canadian whisky to support Canada. However we’re slapping big tariffs on them. That means that when you buy them that’s giving that tariff money to the US government, which I think we want to avoid.

    Further, we’re in a very global economy. Damn-near every brand you’ve ever heard of is owned by the subsidiary of a subsidiary or some other company.

    Canadian club is now owned by Suntory Global Spirits (Formerly Beam-Suntory, as in Jim Beam, they actually consider it to be a part of the Jim Beam brand portfolio) an American company, that is itself a subsidiary of Suntory, a Japanese company.

    So an American company is getting a good slice of the profits from Canadian club.

    And of course Suntory owns a lot of American brands (like Jim Beam since I already mentioned them) and they might well decide to take some of that Canadian Club money they take in and use it to prop up one of their Kentucky Bourbon brands which ends up funneling money towards whatever crazy right wing nut jobs there stand to profit from that.

    So yes, Canadian Club is in fact made in Canada, presumably by Canadian employees, and contributing to the Canadian economy, paying Canadian taxes, etc. but a lot of it is also going to other places, and not necessarily places you want it to go, so it would be wise to weigh that into your decision-making here.

    And I’m not trying to badmouth Suntory in particular, in the scheme of terrible megacorps I don’t think they’re the worst by a longshot (not that they’re necessarily at all good either) that’s just where I found a jumping off point. I enjoy a lot of their brands, and at least the handful of them that I make some effort to follow still seem to at least be paying lip service to some half decent ideas about things like DEI and sustainability, where some other companies have totally bent the knee to Krasnov.

    EDIT: Out of curiosity I just spent a little time researching a few different Canadian whisky brands to see if any of the names I recognize are actually wholly Canadian-owned. It doesn’t look like it, it’s all huge multinational corporations based in other countries when you dig into them. The only thing I could personally come up with is Glen Breton, which is a Canadian single malt, not a Rye, so it fits the bill as a whisky made in Canada, but it’s a totally different style than what most people think of as a “Canadian Whisky.” I’m certain there are some smaller craft distillers that are fully owned by Canadians, but I couldn’t come up with any big brands that fit the bill. Do what you will with that information. I’m not trying to suggest that anyone should or should not buy Canadian whisky, just that if they want to be mindful about which companies and countries are getting their money, it’s a complicated web.

  • I think there’s a few factors at play here

    Yes, depression is a big one

    There’s also a lack of places to go and things to do for young people. Some parents are weird about their kids going anywhere these days, and no one really wants to bring their boyfriend/girlfriend over to hang out with their parents.

    And even if you don’t have obnoxious helicopter parents, where do you go? Malls are dying, restaurants and movies are expensive, and if you go hang out in a park some Karen will call the police on you.

    Neighborhoods aren’t walkable, public transit is broken, and cars are unaffordable so even if you find somewhere to go on a date, how do you get there?

    And at least in heterosexual dating, we’ve also had a bit of a cultural shift that might throw things off. A lot of things that used to be accepted we now rightly understand are problematic, I think a lot of men and boys are hesitant to make the first move now because we don’t want to be seen as creeps, but at the same time I think most girls still kind of expect the guys to make the first move, and while a lot of us are a bit more enlightened and could be cool with that (my wife of 5 years made the first move, she’d probably still be waiting if she left it to me) there’s still plenty of guys with toxic fragile masculinity out there who could react poorly to a girl making the first move and I don’t blame girls for not wanting to take on that risk (for the record, I also choose the bear)

    So the dynamics have shifted a bit, and I don’t think we’ve really figured out how things are supposed to work yet, and honestly things probably need to shift a whole hell of a lot more before things can normalize there and people can just feel comfortable asking other people out on dates without worrying about it being weird.

    And in a similar vein, it’s also I think become a lot more normal to just have platonic friends of the opposite gender. Personally some of my best friends are women who have no desire to date or fuck.

    And people are also a lot more willing to have some sort of casual sex, friends with benefits, hookup culture, etc.

    So there’s probably a lot of physical and emotional needs that are now being met outside of the context of a romantic relationship when in the past that was pretty much the only way to meet them.