Every pay phone in America cost a dime when I was little. Then, by the time I was old enough to need to carry around change for a pay phone, all of them only took quarters. Do you know how many millions of pay phones there used to be? They somehow found it cost-efficient to modify almost every single one of them in the entire country. After the Bell system was broken up.
Wow, another industry Trump thinks he’s an expert on but actually knows nothing about? Shocking.
I’m definitely not voting for him now.
A little of column A and a little of column B.
America does not rehabilitate prisoners. The U.S. prison system is entirely about retribution. So that was never going to happen.
So it’s fine if a postal carrier gets attacked? Really?
You’re right, I didn’t read this time. I usually do, but this time I am guilty.
Also, just risking other drivers instead of your own is supremely shitty of them.
And the drivers wouldn’t get attacked if they didn’t deliver packages as quickly? That makes no sense.
Why does anyone think the squiggly red line signals something that’s always optional at this point?