They aren’t sending their best.
Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.
They aren’t sending their best.
Also AP:
Guess they don’t read their own articles?
TASER seems like a much better option, or OC spray and a baton. Pistol seems like the worst option. They were pinned in a closet so I can understand the panic but damn…
They can revoke your degree that you already earned and paid for? That doesn’t seem like it should be legal even if you have committed actual crimes.
The Democratic Party and spinelessness: Name a more iconic duo.
Was it idiocy or malice?
Idiocy can explain a lot, but malice makes everything they’ve done and everything they’re trying to do make a lot more sense.
These acts are intentional and, even if these kids don’t understand, the people who are calling the shots do and these are not mistakes (even if they claim otherwise); They have been planning this for years and have the backing of multiple billionaires who are clearly more than happy to facilitate all this.
You think their goal is to help?
Damn it Krang