I mostly see it on here and Reddit, usually in the form of some non-American screaming, “oh my god just use 2A!”
I mostly see it on here and Reddit, usually in the form of some non-American screaming, “oh my god just use 2A!”
Except he previously stated his intent to fight, and the rest of the party is absolutely roasting him right now, including some of the most milquetoast centrist Dems. I don’t doubt that he’s a neolib, but something is off. If this was in any way in the interests of neolib Dems, more of them would be falling in line with him instead of allying with Berniebros and tankies to light his ass up, something I thought hell would freeze over before I would see.
Nah, something’s off. Either the rest of the party suddenly grew a spine and some integrity, or someone got to Schumie. The latter is far more likely.
I am almost certain that Schumer is being threatened. Not with political consequences, but with actual violence. Maybe against his family. Blackmail at the very least.
I have no love for the man, and while he is a spineless, contemptible coward, something about his sudden reversal on this just doesn’t add up. I think there’s more at play here than the normal Democrat fecklessness. Someone got to him in a way that goes beyond the typical backroom dealings. I’m calling shenanigans.
Fascism is nothing more than the bully mentality writ large. He is a bully but a bully is no trivial thing. They’re the absolute scum of humanity.
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Trust me, you don’t want our drama. You’re always welcome to annex me personally, though.
I don’t think it makes any resistance futile by any means. I just think the “just start blasting” attitude I keep seeing from people is naive, glib, and unconstructive. Guerilla resistance can absolutely be a powerful tool, but it requires a huge amount of coordination and solidarity that doesn’t really exist in our population right now and is not going to suddenly begin existing overnight.
The most important thing people can be doing right now is networking and organizing, identifying likeminded people and building community with them. This is the foundation of ANY effective resistance. And people ARE doing that.
My point is stop saying people aren’t doing it when they are. Everywhere. Every single day.
Do you think Trump is trying to declare attacks on Tesla dealerships domestic terrorism because people are staying home on the couch?
You’re acting like because we haven’t seen instantaneous results, we must just all be doing nothing. If you have spent as much time protesting as you claim, you know that protest movements need to be long and sustained and also often need to gain momentum over time. You won’t get a million people in the streets overnight.
I already have/am. Is fascism over yet?
“Being a twat is the last refuge of a twat.”
People are protesting, my guy. Your original post scoffed at the idea that these protests could be effective. You called it “occupying a sidewalk” and were calling on us to just start blasting. Don’t move the goalposts.
You’ve been wasting a lot of time here already. A little more won’t hurt. Come on, big guy. Tell us all how it’s done.
You’re not begging. You’re browbeating in a really sanctimonious way. Maybe you should listen to people’s legitimate concerns and sympathize with them instead of telling them they are pieces of shit for not volunteering themselves enthusiastically to get shot for what is likely to be zero change. You’re acting like people are stupid assholes for not wanting their families to be evicted. You’re being a dick, and I am also certain you are lying about the extent of your own noble sacrifices.
How did you pay for your gas on the road? How did you keep yourself fed? How did you keep from freezing to death? What were you protesting? How did it turn out? Tell us more.
Don’t be a twat.
The eye rolling number of non-Americans who think 2A is about overthrowing the government instead of just making it a little less easy and more costly for them to show up at your door and stomp you into the ground.
The US government is not going to be overthrown by a ragtag civilian militia. It’s not happening. Even if we actually had anything resembling an organized and united civilian militia that could strategize enough to execute a large-scale operation, we would still lose hilariously because we don’t have drones, missiles, helicopters, or tanks.
Stop demanding that we just start blasting. That’s not going to help. You live in a fantasy world. Your countries have actual military resources. YOU start blasting if you think it will help.
COVID definitely made me more misanthropic.
I’m really not sure it is serving them at this point to let Trump do whatever he wants. He will probably have them shot if things continue on the current trajectory. I’m not sure why they think they are safe. He isn’t playing by the old rules where the political class is insulated. He will straight up fucking kill them if he feels like it. This is Mad King territory and they know it.