I respect palmer luckey for what he as done for VR and what he still does. Yea i’m not a fan of the defence contracts but even there he did some cool stuff.
Hopefully our ai overlords will save us from our mortal vessels.
I respect palmer luckey for what he as done for VR and what he still does. Yea i’m not a fan of the defence contracts but even there he did some cool stuff.
If you like roguelikes like ancient dungeon i would highly suggest until you fall and for a more story based game if you haven’t played lone echo 1 and 2 you’re in for a treat.
Me a fraction of a fraction of the gamer community playing only recent PCVR games and also Noita.
I don’t think a single human who knows as much as chatgpt does exists. Does that mean chatgpt is smarter then everyone? No. Obviously not based on what we’ve seen so far. But the amount of information available to these LLMs is incredible and can be very useful. Like a library contains a lot of useful information but isn’t intelligent itself.
I’m hoping the google XR OS will make the number of affordable headsets rise and new companies getting in the VR market.