War Thunder, if your 'tism is weapons grade and a national security risk.
War Thunder, if your 'tism is weapons grade and a national security risk.
I honestly don’t think it would be that hard to prove he was mentally compromised with a few subpoenas, or at least cast enough doubt. There was the staffers that talked about their wrangling efforts at the start of his term.
You are right though, Trump will do whatever and then the courts will glaciate their way through unfucking things.
Under US law, the president has the expressed authority to direct a subordinate to attach the presidential signature in an official capacity without the president present while granting that individual no more authorities.
For the regular citizens, you have to be present or assign a lawful representative with legal authorities. So you couldn’t tell your secretary to attach your electronic signature to your mortgage loan papers unless she had power of attorney or was acting as your guardian. You can click a button to attach your electronic signature and send the document to whomever.
So Biden was fine to sign without being present. I think their argument is that he was not capable of knowingly doing what he did due to mental condition. So they would have to prove he was unfit and determine when he crossed that line for whatever they are claiming to be valid and vacation possible.
They didn’t say “please”, nobody is being polite to the AI.
It’s like y’all don’t like the basilisk, and that is problematic, for you.
I don’t care for golf and wish golf courses were better used spaces, but the thing about golf that makes it interesting is the meditative practice of being able to swing the club in just the right way to make the ball go where it needs to.
I like archery and you have the same sort of thing going on there. You have to have your positioning, movements, focus, and smoothness of action to hit the target. You can tell how you failed before the arrow hits the target. Working on fine tuning your actions is enjoyable.
People who give up historic firearms for destruction instead of finding a buyer that will allow the public to experience them in a safe manner suck.
You can make a new MP44 with a lot of effort, you can’t make a new MP44 with a history that highlights the efforts and accomplishments of a man who grew up dirt poor and went to Europe to bring some freedom to a family that still has photos of him after he fought for 36 hours to keep a failed painter with a dumb mustache from feeling any sense of contentment and all he got was spicy nostalgia and a gun his wife would later go on to use to spit on his memory all for the low price of a $150 gift card to HEB.