If I was in a place that sold Fritz Cola, I wouldn’t buy anything else. It is hands down the best cola I’ve ever had.
If I was in a place that sold Fritz Cola, I wouldn’t buy anything else. It is hands down the best cola I’ve ever had.
You don’t see how terrible Windows is until you’ve switched to another OS and need to interact with it again.
The constant pop-ups, the ads everywhere, the settings hidden away.
It really feels like your PC isn’t yours.
Pay to play baby! Let’s reinvent the banking system by doing the same exact shit.
IMO, GPU prices have an impact. Modern gaming has a bad habit of not optimizing games relying on people getting newer GPUs for performance.
Mix that with the pre-order/early access monetization, and we are to a point where games have made their money before release, and beans counters don’t want to put money in QA because there is no quantifiable ROI (there is a ROI, but it is hard to quantify), which is a no-no in their world.
Indie games have a tendancy to be less GPU demanding, and thus, usually have a better performance experience
No please. Use a password manager with randomly generated usernames when possible.
If by reigning in big tech you mean a cartel style system where companies need to provide funds to Trump to continue existing, sure. But there is no chance that the Republicans will reign in big tech : they are big tech.
You are leaving out the part where Andy Yen said that the tables have turned and the Republicans are now the party of the small people.
Andy Yen’s statement is downright pathetic and misleading. People are right to stir up shit because that’s the only thing corpos understand.
This isn’t a storm in a tea cup, this is the CEO of a company telling us who he really is and people choosing to tell him to get fucked.
Your post reeks of astroturfing.
In small store, there isn’t much alternative. When I was young, RC Cola was there, but now its only Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
You have a few small companies colas in the grocerie stores, but they cost an arm and a leg.