The hammer and sickle is a symbol of Marxism-Leninism, though, the hammer being for the proletariat and sickle for the peasantry. This is just kinda silly
Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us
He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much
Marxist-Leninist ☭
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The hammer and sickle is a symbol of Marxism-Leninism, though, the hammer being for the proletariat and sickle for the peasantry. This is just kinda silly
Sure, but the vast majority of Marxists globally are Marxist-Leninists, and Lemmy’s makeup reflects that.
They have a Socialist Market Economy, they never abandoned Socialism, just course-corrrected from losing sight of Materialism and trying to achieve Communism through fiat, rather than by builsing up the productive forces.
There’s going to be Marxists on Lemmy, the lead developers of the software are Marxist-Leninists and some of the largest instances are explicitly Socialist-aligned.
Hey, real quick, nobody thinks the Russian Federation is somehow still Marxist, the Soviet Union was dissolved in the 90s and Marxism went with it. Further, China is not a “Utopia,” it is Marxist-Leninist but it’s in the early stages of Socialism, and the Russian Federation is far worse off under Capitalism.
If you want to correct your blurb, that would be far more accurate.
Just want to add, the CPC is Marxist and is working off of Marxist economics. Their party ideology is Marxism-Leninism Xi Jinping Thought, which is Marxism-Leninism applied to modern China’s conditions and under Xi Jinping.
Now, that doesn’t mean it’s some Utopia, and that also doesn’t mean it’s a far-future Communist society, just that they are in the early stages of Socialism.
The overwhelming majority of Marxist-Leninists support the USSR, but don’t feel that it was a paradise nor free from mistake, including in the era of Stalin. The hammer and sickle is associated with Marxism-Leninism, and the various Marxist-Leninist parties, groups, and countries around the world.