And here I was imagining a whole moosey moose squad of which you are a part. Maybe you just need to find each other?
And here I was imagining a whole moosey moose squad of which you are a part. Maybe you just need to find each other?
Yess’em. Cap’n!
I’ll not accept your shame. I just thought you enjoyed sailing. Perhaps just getting down to the shore, liminal space, would help. And to be clear, equal representation under the law, that’s the promise. Nobody, not even I said you need to be a sailor. smh.
I used to be into sailing, too. Maybe you could get another boat?
Thank You, CBC! The rest of the Dems need to get with the program.
Thanks to Greenland, a voice of sanity, in response to the muttered burblings of a demented turnip. In me you will find yet another US citizen that agrees with you, and respects your soveriegnty. The turnip is using this distraction to rob us blind, I fear.
Let me guess, natural resources.
Apparently melon husk is just making suggestions. I suggest we ignore / shun him and his un-elected ideas.
Hypothetically, We’re Winning! I’ve known a few introverted Meeses over the years, and am completely sympathetic.