EDIT: I’m picking up on some big time virgin energy from all the people in this thread who think girlsmell is a fetish. Girls smell. If you didn’t know that, it’s clear the only women you’ve ever been with were 2D.
PS: If you prefer boysmell that is also very valid, and if you don’t like stinky partners at all I want you to know I stand with the ace community and I’m only meaning to make fun of allos.
really? then I have a wild concept for you, something even more human than furry porn: actual fucking human beings, you brainlet. If you were attracted to humans, you’d beat off to humans. by virtue of choosing to beat off to furry porn, you are clearly attracted to and therefor fetishizing animals. that isn’t “a weird puritanical view”, that’s simply an evident truth to anyone with two brain cells to rub together. But it’s okay, I forgive your stupidity.
I’m supposed to have a goal? that’s news to me. All I did was answer the question that some of us dislike being associated with animal fetishists, in response to someone else asking why a linux user wouldn’t want to be associated with them. At which point you promptly got offended on behalf of all animal fetishists and tried to spin it as being something other than what it is, and I don’t care to indulge your fantasy. If you want to delude yourself, that’s your problem, but nobody else is obligated to play along, least of all me – and if you don’t like it, then find another hobby, my guy, preferably one that isn’t disgusting. c:
feel free to keep being a salty degen though, too, it is funny to watch.
“degen” lmao ok buddy